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Top Management
Flavio Andreoli Bonazzi
Partner and President

Graduated from the Sapienza University of Rome in Hydraulic Engineering, Doctorate in Energy Engineering, he has consolidated his experience in the renewable energy sector in Italy and abroad.
As President of EPICO lui Srl he evaluates investments and defines the growth objectives of the Group as well as taking care of institutional relationships and with trade associations.

Valerio Andreoli Bonazzi
Partner and CEO

Graduated in Business Administration and Finance at John Cabot University, he consolidated his experience working for financial and industrial companies, in Italy and abroad.
As CEO of EPICO Srl he directs and coordinates the Group's economic and financial planning activities as well as taking care of relationships with banking institutions, financial operators and stakeholders.

Luca Cittadini

Graduated in Economics and Management at the University of Perugia, he began his work experience in ENEL for 6 years in the human resources field. Subsequently he moved from 2000 to 2020 at SOGIN SpA, initially always in the HR area, subsequently supporting the finance and control area, until he held the position of CFO. In the following two years he held the position of CEO in Nucleco SpA and CFO in Fiorital SpA. Since 2022 in EPICO he has been CFO, head of HR and IT

EPICO - ENERGY PRODUCTION INDUSTRY COMPANY Srl - CAPITALE SOCIALE: € 10.000.000,00 - C.F./P.I. 10537581000 - NUM. REA: RM - 1238955
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