Welcome to Energy Production Industry Company srl
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The Group has ISO 9001 quality certification and SOA certification. These certifications prove the organisational, technical, financial and managerial ability to carry out, directly or subcontracted, design, construction, management and maintenance of electromechanical systems for the production of electricity.
The companies controlled by Epico adopt an organizational model and a code of ethics whose correct implementation is monitored by an independent Supervisory Body which carries out the role of inspection and prevention of any offenses by its employees and collaborators and of other crimes envisaged by the Legislative Decree .lgs. 231 of 2001. The adoption of this model allows us to operate with rigor, transparency and a sense of responsibility in internal relationships and with the outside world, providing directors, shareholders and stakeholders with the best guarantees of healthy and efficient management.

EPICO - ENERGY PRODUCTION INDUSTRY COMPANY Srl - CAPITALE SOCIALE: € 10.000.000,00 - C.F./P.I. 10537581000 - NUM. REA: RM - 1238955
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