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The European REPower-EU plan intends to accelerate the energy transition by foreseeing the reduction of net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 and to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.
To achieve these objectives, Italy will have to strengthen and simplify the current legislation supporting renewables to allow the installation of over 70GW of new renewable power mainly from solar and also wind sources. The recent Decrees on energy matters are part of this direction and allow, for some types of systems, to authorize new initiatives using streamlined and rapid tools such as the Simplified Qualification Procedure (PAS) and the Affirmed Work Start Declaration (DILA).
The construction and operation of renewable energy production plants are subject to the authorization regulations contained in the legislative decree of 29 December 2003, n. 387 where it is established that the plants powered by renewable sources, as well as the related works and infrastructures indispensable for the construction and operation of the same plants are of "public utility, non-deferrable and urgent".
The production of renewable energy also enjoys a preferential lane to be injected into the electricity grid with right of precedence: that is, it has dispatching priority. The "renewable KWh" is also characterized by the absence of risk of unsold items and a very low commercial risk.
The new regulatory and bureaucratic scenario represents an extraordinary growth opportunity for the EPICO Group.

EPICO - ENERGY PRODUCTION INDUSTRY COMPANY Srl - CAPITALE SOCIALE: € 10.000.000,00 - C.F./P.I. 10537581000 - NUM. REA: RM - 1238955
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